Monday, September 6, 2010

Increase Work Efficiency with YouTube?

At work, my team members and I are required to write an activity report every week.
We're also required to end the report with a story and/or announcement completely unrelated to work, just to share a little personal side of ourself.
Most people write about incidents that happened to them over the weekend, but I have been sharing non-verbal, safe-for-work(important), entertaining videos with all of my colleagues for the past 2 years.

Needless to say, I'm known as the "YouTube Girl" at the office.

I came across this interesting article the other day posted by @WomensHealthMag on twitter.
According to Women's Health Magazine,
taking a couple minutes out of your work day to watch an entertaining YouTube video (or two) can give your brainpower a big boost.

"You can counteract stress—and roll back psychological aging—with laughter. Even the anticipation of a good laugh decreases the stress chemicals cortisol and epinephrine by 39 and 70 percent, respectively, say researchers at Loma Linda University. Laughter is also great for the heart. When participants in a University of Maryland study watched stressful film clips, they experienced vasoconstriction—a narrowing of the blood vessels—while the blood vessels of those watching funny films expanded by 22 percent. "
-Joel Weber from Women's Health magazine 2010

So not only was I sharing laughter with my co-workers,
I was increasing the entire work efficiency of my team!

Quick! Get my manager on the phone, I have a feeling I deserve a raise!

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